Realizing Potential
We help students realize their potential by forming a direct link between them and our Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources. We’ll help them discover what services they may be eligible for, register with our Student Success Center, apply for disability services and complete other additional paperwork necessary to move ahead with the support they need.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers protection from discrimination on the basis of disability. It also promises reasonable modifications in policies, practices or procedures when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability.
Healthy & Safe
If you have food allergies or have special dietary concerns, we’ve got you covered. In collaboration with PBA’s dining services, we will provide the accommodations you need. Just be sure to contact the Office of Academic and Accessibility Resources early so we can guide you through the process and get the supporting documentation completed.
I have not been treated as just another case… Instead I’ve been treated with compassion and concern for the uniqueness of my situation and individual needs while still ensuring that all my necessary accommodations are being met.
Jennifer Harman Alum, master's degree in Mental Health Counseling
Get Started!
Accessibility Resources Guidebook
Check out our Accessibility Resources Guidebook to discover accommodations you may be eligible to receive.
Student’s Guidelines & Procedures
Review the Guidelines & Procedures to learn about the processes, documentation requirements, and steps to apply to Accessibility Resources.
Application Portal for Accommodate
The direct link to start your application for Accessibility Resources. You must be a PBA registered student and log in with PBA credentials is required.
Difference Between High-School & College Accommodations
Learn the difference between high school and college accommodations.
Reach Out
If you have any questions about the services we provide and how to access the support you may need, we encourage you to contact us. Just email or